Sacha's business contact information

As your Buyers Agent I provide the following services:

Show you homes

Set up searches for properties with your preferences in the MLS database

Draw up the Buy-Sell Agreement (offer/contract)

Draw up any Amendments or Addendums when changes are made

Make sure the lender has all the documents pertaining to our transaction that they need

Make sure the title company has all the documents pertaining to our transaction that they need

Make sure you meet all the deadlines in the contract such as earnest money deposit, lender application, inspection, inspection notice, the buyer has competed inspection items, appraisal, closing, etc.

Assist in the scheduling of the appraisal and Inspection

Meeting my client and the Inspector at the property for final inspection walk through

Draw up the Inspection Notice

Work with the seller’s agent to resolve inspection issues

Submit Inspection Resolution for your signatures

Submit Each Document to the Seller’s agent for review and signatures

Schedule Final walk through of the property after Inspection items have been completed

Meet you at the property for the  final walk through

Solve any problems that may arise during the transaction, There are usually several in every transaction!

Meet you at closing to assist and sign paperwork

Assist with list of utility companies in your area

Above all I represent my client and always have their best interest at the forefront of every transaction I am involved in.